But not me.....oh no! I wake to find i've been immortalized in Fimo as a mischeivious MOUSE!!!
Over at Maddy's blog, she has done a most excellent tutorial on a colouring technique she discovered the other day. Well worth a look. However she also gives you a little look at another character from her craft room......"Calvin mouse"!

Complete with inky fingers, he looks to be a mischeivious fellow that will be worth keeping an eye on......heaven knows what he'll be getting up to in the future!
Thanks Maddy....i think! :)
That mouse is adorable Calv..you should be proud to have something so cute named after you!!
Good point Paula.....actualy i heard that the mouse was named after something as cute as me! :)
Tee Hee :)
i have a feeling this little fellow takes after his name sake ( god help us !) rofl !
OK: I know what I want for X-mas!!!!
Du you think the Calvin-mouse would like it in Norway? Too cold? I've got enough heart warmth for his whole family - generations to come also;)
...where can I order planeticket????
he gorgeous and he's all covered in alcohol ink! LOL
What a gorgeous little chap. yes Calv, man = rat or rodent but at least you are a cute rodent. LOL.
see they like you !
he is kinda of cute but he makes an awful racket ! fiddling around on my craft table and humming to himself ! he is a happy little chappie !
Aw that is sooooooooo cute, Maddy really is so clever with her Fimo and fab techniques...and I love that ickle stamp he is holding...looks rather familiar LOL Hugs x
nothing I can say really, ben said :) Nawty little mouse he is xx
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