
Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Rotty's in the news!

Would you believe it folks! Rotty appears to have hit the local rodent headlines again, this time with his silly that i mean walking out in a huff! He's almost as big a drama queen as Calvin Mouse!!!
I did try and tell him i was making him a house, but he is so stubborn, i wonder where he'll end up with his so-called "streetwise survival skills?
"Ah look who we have here....Rotty....what are you up to?....are you telling me you've only got as far as my rubbish bag in the garden?"
"Yeah well it's better than false promises of houses...and the foods not too bad either!"
"Rotty my old mate, why don't you come on in, i'll show you how i'm getting on with your house."
"Likely story, actually i only stopped here for a quick nap, then i have to get some things together and i'm off!"
"Oh really Rotty, and where might that be eh? Next door's garden bin? Quite the adventurer aren't we Captain Scott!"
"Very funny, i have somewhere in mind, don't you worry about that".
Hmmm i don't like the sound of this, i'd better follw him....
" Rotty what are you doing here at the train station? These are dangerous places you know."
"I told you, i'm off to stay somewhere, i have contacts up north."
"Oh really Rotty, you have friends nationwide now do you?"
"Yep, well kind if you don't mind i have to catch a train..."
"Oh Rotty, i really wish you wouldn't go, you have to be carefull on trains, there are lots of big people around that might step on you....see that police lady just missed you!"
"It's ok, i gave her the slip...ah here's my train now....byeeeeee!"
Well folks, that looks like he's really gone this time, i just wish i knew what he was up to, that train goes half the way up the country....who on earth would take in a stray rat?


maddy hill said...

awwwwwwww sniff sniff poor little rotbags ! oh calvin ... the poor little thing ... i could hardly bear read it !

maddy x

Viv said...

Now you've done it! Poor wee thing all alone in the big wide world! So does he pay for a seat on the train do you think? LOL! Viv x

Nicki said...

Hmmmm, wonder where he's heading? He could end up anywhere once he gets onto the train network - let me know if you want some posters putting up on lampposts Calv, just in case he makes it to my neck of the woods. Have a feeling he might not get quite this far north though...

Nicki, :0)

Laura B, Fiskateer 4961 said...

great stuff calv. would make a cute book.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Rotty - don't disappear. Calv is making you a wonderful new home and he'll be so heartbroken if you run off now.

I know the north is lovely and the people up there aer jsut some of the best on earth - but PLEASE stick around in the south a while longer. It is defintely going to be worth your while!

Failing all else, hop on a plane and come and visit me. I need a distraction from teenagers and teachers :-)

Nicki xxx

Anonymous said...

Lol.....your story's are so funny, you really should think about story books for children (and adults) ive just read this one out to my 4 and 7 year old.......there still laughing!!!
love emma xxx

Anonymous said...

oh Laughing in a sad way, because ofcourse there worried about where poor rotty might turn up! and hoping that he is safe!
