Today i was clearing out my outside shed. I moved a pile of wood, behind which was a heating pipe with lagging around it. However it would appear that i have had a tiny visitor over the recent cold weather spell.....

My first thought was "How cool is that!". A little mouse has obviously set up home next to a warm pipe in my shed. I had to take a piccy as it is the sort of house my girls would make over the forest for the fairies. So what has this got to do with Calvin Mouse you may ask?
Take a look at the door or window blinds that the mouse has made....he's obviously a paper crafter!!! I can't for the life of me figure out where he got the paper from, i might have left a bag of shredded paper in the shed, the paper looks quite neatly torn into strips doesn't it?
Surely a mouse can't nibble that neatly? This is exactly how i found the nest by the way, it hasn't been touched by me at all......

So i reckon i have stumbled upon a certain helper of Maddy's, which now leads me to wonder what he's doing down here!?
He could be on some covert reconnaissance mission, i have had some pretty cool crafty stash arrived recently, maybe he's after that?
Actually, Maddy said the other night that one of her Copic's had run out, I'm telling you now people.....if Calvin Mouse has been sent down here on a mission to snatch a'll be seeing the first use of a Copic and a mouse to make a washing up brush! I'm sure i don't have to tell you where the Copic will be inserted to act as the handle!!!
I know we made friends after that inking episode, but i have to be on my guard with Maddy, she's a sly old fox that one! :)