Today i am officially a big boy! Yes it's my birthday today, 37 years young, feeling like i'm 87, i blame the company i keep! ;)
Firstly i wanted to show you a card i made last night for this weeks
Copics Colour Challenge.
Maddy set the sketch this week, and i thought i'd try a male card for a change. The plan was to try my hand at the "Extreme Punching to Distress" technique, used to great effect by the very talented
Irene Tan on her blog. I think i over did it though and it needs some work before it looks like Irene's ever does lol...

It was fun making a different effect with the Crop-a-dile though, and a bit of embossing powder splashed here and there gave it a hint of metal effect.
The sketch this week was this....
The image was the fantastic Mikey, and the round bit's on the sketch were just screaming out for a pair of music speakers...the card didn't turn out quite how i wanted, but i learnt a lot from my mistakes during it...
So thanks for the challenge this week Maddy and the rest of the ladies at Copic's Colour Challenge.
Oh look who it is....."Hi Rotty.....did you know it's a special day today?"
"Excellent! You've finished my house then yeah?"
"Umm not quite Rotty, it's my birthday....or had you forgotten?"
"Your birthday?!!! Me? Forget your birthday? Thats funny.....be right back!!!"
"Aww bless him, must be getting me my prezzy".
"Right then, quick....what rubbish can i wrap up for the clumsy one? Ah i think that will do!"
"Here you go boss......a little something for you...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
"Aww cheers Rotty, what a little star you are! Tell you what, i'll let you unwrap it."
"Oh joy....thanks boss.!..here we go then......DADAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
"Wow Rotty, a new inkpad!!! Hmmm....looks very much like my inkpad that should be sat in Inky Cottage?"
"Well i don't know about that boss".
"Hmmm well i do Rotty, i think you forgot about my birthday didn't you?"
"Well maybe, possibly.....actualy completely. Sorry boss, but Calvin Mouse said he'd remind me, so it's his fault if you think about it. Tell you what boss, you sit back and i'll show you a crafty technique you can use."
"Are you kidding me Rotty? YOU......a craft technique?"
"Yep, we used to do it when we raided peoples bathrooms, sometimes after taking a wrong turn up a toilet u-bend, we got into bother with some of the cupboard contents, and learnt a few things along the way......so watch this...."
"First get your shaving cream, doesn't matter if it's shaving foam or gel, now spray a pile on some card."
"I'm not so sure about this Rotty...."
"Oh stop worrying boss, whats the worst that can happen? Now give it a stir until it's creamy like ice-cream"...
"Now get some of your alcohol inks, and sprinkle a few drops of different colours in the cream..."

"Then give it all a stir....."

"Now take a tag or whatever you want to make a mess of, and place it on top of the cream, pushing it around so the card is covered in cream one side.....like this....."

"You should now be left with this mess....."
"Rotty is this actualy leading anywhere? Our readers are busy people you know."
"Calm down boss....now get a spare bit of card and scrape the cream off.....you'll be left with the swirly ink prints on the card.....DADAAAAAAAAA!!!"
"Wow thats fantastic Rotty, it looks like a marbling effect in sweets doesn't it!"
"Sure does boss, now do your stuff with those ink pads and other rubbish you have in here, and do something with it!"
"Sure thing Rotty...here goes, a bit of distress ink, embossing powder, a few stamp images, some UTEE.......what do you think?"
"Thanks ever so much Rotty, that actualy turned out to be a great birthday prezzy my little creamy mate!! Does that mean you'll be joining Calvin Mouse for craft sessions now?"
"Boss.....know this one thing......you will see me wearing a dress before i have cosy craft sessions with that mouse!!! Happy Birthday!!!"
Well bloggers, hows that for a suprise, a crafty tip that despite being the messiest i've ever seen, could be of use one day.
Have a great day all, i'm off to prepare a party tea for me and my girls, then it's a dvd and popcorn tonight.....YAYYYYY!!! :)