More of a colourfull play about really, but over at the Crafts By Carolyn forum, one of the many competitions that are running is one to make a card with just stamps and inks. No patterned paper.
So i dug my Tilda stamp out, she's been a bit neglected lately, my chalks and Whisper pens, and a lovely Lavina willow branch stamp.
OMG for a minute there i thought you had found my bank statements and had got inspiration for that card - then ofcourse i realised that yours are as bad as mine lol
Thanks Val,but i've seen the gorgeous things you make at the craft club remember, so don't try and kid on you're lacking in imagination and creativity young lady!!! :)
Important: Please be aware, that whilst the idea of a fairy door is not an original one, the methods and manner in which i make my fairy doors are. All of my door designs are copyrighted, so please do not copy them in any way shape or form. I am getting old and it gets very tiring when i have to hunt down those who copy my designs!!! Thank you.
Nicki's fab cushions for pic for more info!
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Calvin Mouse...
Dirty little cake thief!!!
Oh look!....
Greedy boy strikes again!!!
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Tails from the sewer!
The much talked about "Inked pineapple!"
Inky fruit disclaimer!
Whilst my fruit and veg may look good enough to eat, it is not recommended that you do! My inked fruit is for decorative purposes only and you should never consume anything that you have alcohol inked. Willy Wonka i am not....I am merely a lowly fruit inker! Thank you. :)
OMG for a minute there i thought you had found my bank statements and had got inspiration for that card - then ofcourse i realised that yours are as bad as mine lol
Love it calvin - its fab ! made me giggle.
Thanks Maddy :)
I will never be as bad as you at crafty spending though!
Hi ya Calv love the card wish i had a good emagination luv val xxxx
Thanks Val,but i've seen the gorgeous things you make at the craft club remember, so don't try and kid on you're lacking in imagination and creativity young lady!!! :)
I love it, what a great idea. Very creative, love the sentiment lol
Anne x
I love the card!!! The fruit is great!! Fun Blog!!! I'll defintately be back!!
This is just fantastic :)
hee hee!
she looks so much better with a smile drawn on!
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