Hi all, really quick post to show the easiest 12 x 12 project there is.....a wooden pallet rack that can take 12 x 12's and magazines, or indeed anything you crafty lot hoard these days. (Yes i know what a craft room gets like!).
So we have our humble wooden pallet....doesn't matter if some of it is beat up like this one, you're only using an end of it...
Cut off an end that is two slats thick, you can do three if you want but it's a little too deep to get the paper out....
Either leave it like that and give it a sand, or give it a little wavy effect with a jigsaw, i also carved a few notches around the edge and used a hole saw too as i like the way the colours show through from the papers and mags....like i say though, give it all a sand otherwise you WILL get splinters off of these rough pallets...
Once thats done, give it a lick of paint, and hey presto.....one quick and easy storage idea...
I fogot to say, i have'nt done it here, but don't forget to put some sort of base on the bottom, otherwise your papers will fall through....i didn't bother here as i wanted to blog it quick.
Of course you can fancy this up as much as you want, stamp on it, paint on it, do whatever you want. If it's too rough a project too have in your craft room, maybe use it in the garden or shed.
Just an idea.
Hope it gives you some ideas.....take care,